We came up with them together and the list is this... (the asterisks [*] represent bullet points!)
* Checked
-Spell checked
-Read it aloud
* Includes dates and names
* Detailed - set the context
-Who, what, where, when, why and explain
* Reference any handouts or websites used
* Write in chronological order
* Add any quotes
* Use the teacher's and pupil's feedback
* Use correct grammar and english
* Evaluation
* Give examples
I think these rules will really help me to make my blog be the best that it can be.
We then marked each others blogs and gave feedback as to which rules they had followed and which they hadn't (bearing in mind the posts were made before the rules had been created) and gave them individual targets for example, I gave Seb the target to use examples in his work (which ironically I am doing now!).
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